Wed, May 24 1-4:30pm
Design Center

Junior Reviews 2023

Junior Reviews are an annual event at RISD GD, giving each student an opportunity to display work and share their progress in the program. It's also a moment for the department to see and assess the results of our curriculum.

Each student gets a small area (wall and table space) in the Design Center to display their work. Faculty and other guests visit students throughout the afternoon. The conversations are friendly, informal, and an opportunity for feedback and encouragement, as well as on-the-spot advising for future areas of improvement. Students: think of this review as your final unit in the Design Studio sequence, with the prompt: “How do you share your unique design voice and perspective?” You get to shape an experience for your faculty audience that reflects who you are as a designer, and what’s important to you.

Read more about how to prepare, plus times/locations